Hello. I’m Burnham Banks and I studied economics in the late 80s and early 90s. I’m still studying economics today and am still no wiser. This blog is a journal, a record of my thoughts and experiences. If we are destined to repeat our mistakes, we should at least repeat them faithfully. If not, then perhaps the past is a mischievous guide and we should try something new.
Blended Finance 1.1
Friday, 26 January 2024 | 7:57 am
Blended finance is an efficient mechanism for intermediating capital in impact investing. There is scope for further development. An important innovation would be to establish a correspondence between impact (shortfall) risk and credit risk. This would require a generally accepted standard and framework for measuring and analysing impact metrics with a view to translating such
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Environmental and Social Imperatives
Friday, 29 September 2023 | 11:11 am
Our Mission is a simple one. We have only this planet to support us and must therefore maintain its habitability so that we may persist. The gargantuan scale of this mission requires that we collaborate as a species. We will not be able to collaborate with a broken social compact. This contextualises the environmental and social
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Environment and Social Impact. Public Goods. Private Capital?
Tuesday, 01 August 2023 | 11:55 am
What sets us apart from the planet’s other tenants is our ability to collaborate. We are the most intelligent known species on the planet, but even this intelligence pales before our ability to work together. This ability to collaborate has allowed us to not just live with what we have, but to shape our environment
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FICTION. Males are Alien Viruses. XY and XX.
Thursday, 04 May 2023 | 6:10 am
Consider the possibility that once the planet was populated only by species reproducing asexually. The Y chromosome was absent. Along comes an alien pathogen that infects the indigenous species, introducing the Y chromosome into their DNA. This parasite creates the male of each species and changes the course of evolutionary history. It is bery successful
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Impact Investing 0.5
Thursday, 20 April 2023 | 10:33 am
Impact investing is about purposefully making investments that achieve certain social and environmental benefits while generating financial returns. It is by construction a specific investment strategy that defines the non-financial outcomes explicitly, up front. There is, however, a more general type of impact investing which the purists will not consider impact investing but which we
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